Test nierankingowy
a) żadna z podanych
b) whose
c) whom
d) which
a) will know
b) have known
c) żadna z podanych
d) know
a) I had ever seen
b) I have ever watched
c) żadna z podanych
d) I have ever seen
a) What does he like
b) żadna z podanych
c) have been painting
d) What does he look like?
a) offered
b) żadna z podanych
c) wasn't offered
d) have been offered
a) What is he like?
b) What does he like
c) żadna z podanych
d) What does he look like?
a) had had
b) żadna z podanych
c) have had
d) have
a) żadna z podanych
b) haven't drunk
c) didn't drink
d) not drink
a) żadna z podanych
b) Of course. It’s fantastic!
c) As a matter of fact, I do.
d) I would.
a) You can’t afford it.
b) You must wear it.
c) żadna z podanych
d) You should try it on.
a) I must take up dancing.
b) I’m not into dancing.
c) Dancing appeals to me very much.
d) żadna z podanych
a) What is she like?
b) What does she look like?
c) What does she like?
d) żadna z podanych
a) żadna z podanych
b) You would prefer online shops.
c) You’d rather not try online shops.
d) Why don’t you try online shops?
Przeczytaj tekst i dopasuj nagłówki a-f do akapitów 1–4. 2 nagłówki nie pasują do żadnego akapitu.
As you walk along the street, you can easily spot people wearing unusual items of clothing, often with nose and lip studs and original hairdos. Some of them will have tattoos as well.
1. Some 50 years ago, the people who had tattoos were those who defined themselves as social outcasts. You know, the muscular, often scarred types, like gangsters or prisoners. But today, tattoos are e
2. Some might say that the recent growth in the popularity of tattoos mirrors their widespread appeal in ancient times. Tattoos were common in a number of cultures, from the Far East through Europe to b
3. As tattooing is now so popular, it was only a question of time that some companies, desperately looking for new ways of reaching their audience, would start exploiting the idea of tattooing for adv a
4. However, despite the modern-day popularity of tattoos, not everyone feels ready to mark their body in such a permanent way. Despite this, they do have a chance to get their bodies decorated with le c